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王 俊
姓  名王 俊
王俊,教授、博导。2011年东南大学博士毕业,2014年晋升为副教授,2015年晋升为博导,2018年破格晋升为教授。获江苏省杰青,“全国百篇优秀博士论文提名论文”,首届江苏省优青、江苏省“333高层次人才”中青年学科带头人和“六大人才高峰”人才项目, 2019年获教育部自然科学二等奖(第二完成人),并入选江苏大学“优秀青年学术带头人”。现为美国数学会《Math. Review》和德国《zbMATH》评论员,江苏省数学会和系统工程学会理事。主要从事非线性泛函分析与偏微分方程和应用数学的研究,在Comm. Partial Differential Equations,Math. Z, Journal of Functional Analysis, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Annales Henri Poincare,Nonlinearity和Journal of Differential Equations等国际数学专业杂志上发表SCI论文80多篇。主持国家面上项目3项、参与国家重点研发计划“数学与应用数学”专项变分理论与 Yang-Mills方程1项,主持国家青年基金及其他省部级项目6项。曾在中国台湾大学从事博士后研究工作,并先后应邀访问美国威廉玛丽学院,中国香港理工大学、澳门大学,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学,悉尼大学和新英格兰大学等高校。
● 2018/04-至今,开云网页版登录入口-开云(中国),教授(破格),博士生导师

2024/01-02,澳大利亚新英格兰大学, 麦考瑞大学和悉尼大学,访问教授,合作导师: Yihong Du, Ji Li, Daniel Hauer教授

2023/12,中国澳门大学,访问教授,合作导师: Changfeng Gui教授

2018/07-2019/07, 美国College William and Mary数学系,访问教授,合作导师: Junping Shi教授

2017/07-08, 中国香港理工大学应用数学系Research Associate,合作导师:Zhi-An Wang教授

2015/10-2016/01,04-05,中国台湾大学理论科学研究中心博士后,合作导师:Chang-Shou Lin教授

2016/06-07,2017/6-7,南开大学陈省身数学所,访问学者,合作导师:Zhi-Qiang Wang教授

2015/06-2015/07,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,合作导师:Zhitao Zhang教授


2013/12-2014/12,   美国College William and Mary数学系,访问学者,合作导师: Junping Shi教授




● 2017/09-至今,江苏省系统工程协会理事
● 2019/09-至今,江苏省数学会理事
● 2016/12-至今,美国数学会《Math Review》评论员.
● 2020/10-至今, 德国《zbMATH》评论员
● Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its applications(博士)
● 泛函分析,Equations of Mathematical Physics、非线性偏微分方程(硕士)
● 实变函数、常微分方程、高等数学、线性代数(本科)
● 大学数学创新课堂教学模式的探讨,教育教学论坛杂志,2012年12月



● 国家自然科学基金面上项目,几类非线性变分问题中解的存在性和性质问题研究(12371114),2024/01-2027/12,在研,主持

国家重点研发计划“数学与应用数学”专项,变分理论与 Yang-Mills方程(2022YFA1005601),2022/12-2027/12,在研,参与


江苏省杰出青年基金,几类具有变分结构的非线性椭圆型方程正解的性质研究 (BK20200042),2020/09-2023/12,主持,在研


国家自然科学基金面上项目,全空间上几类椭圆型方程中若干问题的研究(11571140), 2016/01-2019/12,主持,结题



几类偏微分方程中基态解问题的研究(No:11JDG117),江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动基金, 2011-2020,主持,在研

国家自然基金青年基金,具有临界指数增长椭圆型方程中若干问题的研究(No:11201186), 2013-2015 主持, 结题.

江苏省自然基金青年基金,非线性椭圆型方程中基态解问题的研究(No:BK2012282), 2012-2015,主持, 结题.

中国博士后第六批特别资助,半经典椭圆型方程组中基态解问题的研究(No:2013T60499), 2013-2015,主持,结题

● L. Cai, Jun Wang, J.-C. Wei, W. Yang, Infinite time bubble towers in the fractional heat equation with critical exponent, To appear in Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa, 2024.

J. Wang, Classification and qualitative analysis of positive solutions of the nonlinear Hartree type system, Mathematische Zeitschrift (2024) 306:5

L.-L. Cui, Y. Liu, C.-H. Wang, J. Wang, W. Yang, The Einstein-scalar field Lichnerowicz equations on graphs, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, (2024) 63:138.

J. Wang, An abstract instability theorem of the bound states for Hamiltonian PDEs and its application, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10231-024-01426-2, 2024.

A. Jevnikar, J. Wang,  W. Yang, Liouville type theorems and periodic solutions for the nonhomogeneous parabolic systems, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 74 (2023), no. 4, Paper No. 145, 29 pp.

J. Wang, H. Zhou, Existence and multiplicity of normalized solution for the coupled elliptic system with quadratic nonlinearity,  J. Geom. Anal., 33 (2023), no. 8, Paper No. 244, 44 pp.

J.-P. Shi, J. Wang, Standing waves of coupled Schrödinger equations with quadratic interactions from Raman amplification in a plasma, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 24 (2023), no. 6, 1923–1970.

Q.-P. Geng, Y.-Y Dong, J. Wang, Existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions of weakly coupled nonlinear Hartree type elliptic system, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 73 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 72, 25 pp.

H.-Y. Huang, J. Wang, W. Yang, Mean field equation and relativistic Abelian Chern-Simons model on finite graphs, J. Funct. Anal., 281 (2021), no. 10, Paper No. 109218

J. Wang, Existence of normalized solutions for the coupled Hartree-Fock type system, Math. Nachr., 294 (2021), no. 10, 1987–2020.

F. Qin, J. Wang, J. Yang, Infinitely many positive solutions for Schrödinger -Poisson systems with nonsymmetry potentials, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 41 (2021) , 4705-4736.

J. Xu, Q. Li, J. Wang, Response solutions of 3-dimensional degenerate quasi-periodic systems with small parameter, Journal of Differential Equations, 293 (2021), 188–225.

J. Wang, J.-X. Xu, Existence of Positive and Sign-Changing Solutions to a Coupled Elliptic System with Mixed Nonlinearity Growth, Ann. Henri Poincare, 21 (2020), 2815–2860

Q.-P. Geng, M. Liao, J. Wang, Existence and bifurcation of nontrivial solutions for the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger-Korteweg-de Vries system, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., (2020) 71:33

J. Wang, Z.-A. Wang, W. Yang, Uniqueness and convergence on equilibria of the Keller-Segel system with subcritical mass, Communications in Partial Differential Equations (2019), 2019, VOL. 44, NO. 7, 545–572.

J. Wang, Q.-P. Geng, M.-C. Zhu, Existence of the normalized solutions to the nonlocal elliptic system with partial confinement,  Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 39 (2019) 1-15.

M. Du, L.-X. Tian, J. Wang, F. Zhang, Existence of normalized  solutions for nonlinear fractional Schrodinger equations with trapping potentials, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 149 (2019), 617-653.

J. Wang, W. Yang, Normalized solutions and asymptotical behavior of minimizer for the coupled Hartree equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 265 (2018), 501-544.

J. Wang, Solitary waves for coupled nonlinear elliptic system with nonhomogeneous nonlinearities, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 56 (2017), no. 2, Paper No. 38.

K. Pereraa, C. Tintarev, J. Wang, Z.-T. Zhang, Ground and bound state solutions for a Schrodinger system with linear and nonlinear coulpings in R^N. Advances in Differential Equations 23(2018), 615-648.

J. Wang, J.-P. Shi, Standing waves for a coupled nonlinear Hartree equations with nonlocal interaction, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, (2017) 56:168

J. Wang, Z.-S. Feng, Multiple nontrivial solutions for a class of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with linear coupling, Dyn. Partial Differ. Equ., Vol.14, No.2, 159-200, 2017.

G.-W. Dai, J. Wang, Nodal solutions to problem with mean curvature operator in Minkowski space, Differential and Integral Equations, 30, Nmbers 5-6 (2017), 463-480.

X.-F. Cao, J.-X. Xu, J. Wang, The existence of solutions with prescribed L^2-norm for Kirchhoff type system, J. of Mathematical Physics 58, 041502 (2017).

J. Wang, J.-P. Shi, Standing waves of a weakly coupled Schrodinger system with distinct potential functions, J. Differential Equations, 260 (2016) 1830-1864.

J. Wang, L.-X. Tian, J.-X. Xu, F. Zhang, Existence of multiple positive solutions for Schrodinger-Poisson systems with critical growth, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 66 (2015), 2441-2471.

J. Wang, D.-C. Lu, J.-X. Xu, F.-B. Zhang, Multiple positive   solutions for semilinear Schrodinger equations with critical growth in R^N. J. of Mathematical Physics 56, 041503 (2015)

J. Wang, T.-Q. An, F.-B. Zhang, Positive solutions for a class of quasilinear problems with critical growth in R^N. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 145A, 1-34, 2015.

J. Wang, J.-X. Xu, F.-B. Zhang, X. Chen, Existence of multi-bump   solutions for a semilinear Schrodinger equation on RN. Nonlinearity 26 (2013) 1377-1399.

J. Wang, L. Tian, J. Xu, F. Zhang, Existence and concentration of positive ground state solutions for semilinear Schrodinger-Poisson systems in R3. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 48 (2013) 243-273.(ESI高被引)

J. Wang, L. Tian, J. Xu, F. Zhang, Existence and concentration of positive ground state solutions for semilinear Schrodinger-Poisson systems, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 13 (2013), 553-582.

J. Wang, L. Tian, J. Xu, F. Zhang, Multiplicity and concentration of positive solutions for a Kirchhoff type problem with critical growth. Journal Differential Equations, 253 (2012) 2314-2351. ( ESI高被引)

J. Wang, J. Xu, F. Zhang, Existence of semiclassical ground state solutions for semilinear elliptic systems. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 142A, 867-895, 2012.

J. Wang, L. Tian, J. Xu, F. Zhang, Existence and nonexistence of the ground state solutions for nonlinear Schrodinger equations with nonperiodic nonlinearities, Math. Nachr., 285, No. 11-12, (2012) 1543-1562.

● 2020年获江苏省杰青

2022年江苏省第六期 “333工程高层次人才培养工程”第三层次




2016年9月获江苏省第五期 “333工程高层次人才培养工程”第三层次中青年科学技术带头人









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