报告题目:Scattering for the Klein-Gordon equation
报告摘要:I will talk about the scattering problem for the Klein-Gordon equation. I will first review the classical results for mass supercritical and energy-subcritical cases. Then I will talk about our recent results concerning mass-critical case and Klein-Gordon equation with quadratic nonlinear terms. The scattering problem in energy space for low order nonlinearity and low dimensions is more difficult even for small data. Quadratic Klein-Gordon equation is mass-subcritical in 3D and mass-critical in 4D. Only small data scattering results were known before. We proved some large data results.
报告人简介:郭紫华, 澳大利亚莫纳什大学数学学院教授,国家级青年人才。2009年在北京大学获得博士学位,曾任北京大学讲师、副教授、普林斯顿高等研究院访问学者。主要从事调和分析与偏微分方程的研究,特别是在非线性色散方程、振荡积分与色散估计、微分算子相关的调和分析问题、流体力学方程等方向开展了一系列重要的研究。曾主持多项国家自然科学基金、澳大利亚ARC基金。在AJM, AIM, JMPA, CMP, AIHP, JFA等国际著名数学杂志发表重要研究工作四十余篇,被国内外学者广泛引用,且得到国内外同行的高度评价。